SoBo Mama's Tips & Tricks

{March 24, 2013}   Crazy (People)

I love love love my Bunco Babes! Pioneer Woman and I share a birthday week and she’s about to deploy, so I was really more interested in helping to send her off with happy thoughts than in my birthday. Some of the Babes set up a surprise party for her tonight. I brought her booze and she gave me awesome slow cooker cookbook.  I cannot wait to try it out!!!

After an amazing Italian dinner, we came out for karaoke. My hookas can sing!  Last weekend, the Realest Chick I Know did Patsy Cline’s “Crazy.” It brought JeepnMom’s mama to my mind.  That lady was another mama to me.  I texted JeepnMom and she thought it made sense, as Mrs. Mabel loved her some Patsy Cline. I told my girl that tonight and she sang again.

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thequiltshopnavigator sent me this award.  It means a lot to hear I have inspired someone!

Seven things about me are:

  1. I enjoy crafting.
  2. I love to save money.
  3. I am a creative re-purposer.
  4. I have been called to teach, and I guess that makes me think I need to share whatever ideas pop into my head.
  5. I am constantly looking for ways to improve myself.
  6. I have multiple to-do lists running at any given time.
  7. I value the input of my old friends, new friends, and anyone else who takes the time to read my ramblings! 

All of the blogs I am nominating inspire me in some way – to be a better spouse, parent, household manager.   These blogs are truly inspirational (or maybe they just make me smile) to me, and I hope they can be for you too.  This is my way of saying “Thank you” for sharing your ideas, trials, and triumphs with the rest of us!  Please stop by and visit them!


The Rules

1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. Add The One Lovely Blog Award The Very Inspiring Blogger Award to your post.
3. Share 7 things about yourself.
4. Pass the award on to 10 nominees.
5. Include this set of rules.
6. Inform your nominees by posting a comment on their blogs


{November 22, 2012}   Starting Out….

I began my journey to more frugal living back in 2011.  My husband and I were both bringing home decent paychecks, but after watching a certain television show, I just knew I could save us some money.  That was the beginning of my couponing adventure.
This is not the first attempt I’ve made at saving money.  Several years ago, I tried the Organized Home system and Once a Month Cooking, only to fall off the programs after a short time (that was a good year – Christmas was bought with cash and wrapped by August!)  Then we did the Dave Ramsey thing for a while – but someone kept getting in the envelopes.

Something about that show, and the coupons, caught my eye.

This is the one thing that has worked for me so far.  I’ve added some things to couponing over the past year or so, and it really has made a difference.

I was playing around on Facebook the other night and a friend from back home asked about putting coupons on her SmartPhone (talk about 2 of my favorite things!)  I shared some of what I’ve learned with her, different websites and tricks.  I realized after a few posts that 1) I should’ve just emailed her, and 2) she’s not the 1st person I’ve talked to about frugal living.  And so this blog has been born.

Of course, I’m on Thanksgiving Break right now, so I have time to do a little blogging.  Please don’t be surprised if my posts are few and far between while school is in session.  I have some ideas and am always looking for more, so feel free to share.

Welcome to my journey!


et cetera